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44th BCS General Cadre Oral Exam Date, Time and Instructions, Admit Card, Seat Plan

we will discussed 44th BCS General Cadre Oral Exam Date, Time and Instructions, Admit Card, Seat Plan. The oral exam of the 44th BCS General Cadre has published recently. This examination will start from 1 September 2024 and will continue till 19 September 2024. Oral examinations will be taken from 10:00 am every day on the scheduled days. According to the schedule, each candidate will take the examination on the date and time mentioned in their admit card.

44th BCS General Cadre Oral Exam Date, Admit Card, Seat Plan

Candidates must carry the admit card to participate in the oral examination. To download the 44th BCS Oral Exam Date, admit card, result, seat plan candidates can visit the official website of BPSC. You can download the admit card with roll number and date of birth by clicking on the specific link provided on the website.. Download the 2024 BCS Job Circular.

Instructions required for the 44th BCS oral examination

Candidates have to follow some important instructions to participate in the oral examination. On the day of the test, it is mandatory to be present at the center on time. They must wear prescribed clothing and maintain disciplined behavior. It is strictly prohibited to bring any kind of electronic device, such as mobile phones or smartwatches, to the examination hall.

How to know the seat plan of oral examination?

Candidates can follow the instructions on their admit card to know the seat plan of oral examination. To get the exact information of the exam venue and time, the candidates have to login to the website with the roll number and other required information. Once the seat plan is published, it has to checked and present at the designated center.

Important tips for preparing for oral exams

Preparation is very important for success in the oral exam. Candidates should learn from previous exam experience and prepare answers to common questions of oral exams. It is necessary to practice to maintain confidence and answer correctly. Also, improving body language and communication skills will be helpful for better results in oral exams.

Preparation of proper documentation during oral examination

It is very important for the candidates to prepare proper documentation before participating in the oral examination. Please keep your admit card, national identity card, educational qualification certificate, and other necessary documents with you. Make sure to store the documents properly in a file and submit them to the centre authorities on time. If you find any mistakes or deficiencies in the preparation of documentation, please correct them before the examination.

পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ ১ – ১৯ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪

৪৪তম বিসিএস এর লিখিত পরীক্ষায় সাধারণ ক্যাডারে উত্তীর্ণ প্রার্থীদের মৌখিক পরীক্ষা গ্রহণের তারিখ, সময়সুচি ও নির্দেশাবলি

44th BCS General Cadre Oral Exam Date, Time and Instructions, Admit Card, Seat Plan

How to do well in oral exams? Tips & Tricks

To do well in the oral exam, it is important to follow some special tips and tricks. First of all, you have to keep yourself confident and answer the questions correctly and clearly. The examiner should keep eye contact and behave decently. In addition, sharing previous test experiences and providing answers with relevant examples can make examiners satisfied.

What to do if the date of the 44th BCS oral examination changes

If the scheduled date of the 44th BCS oral examination changes for any reason, the candidates should immediately follow the website and notification of the Bangladesh Public Service Commission. Detailed information about the modified date and schedule will published on the website. Candidates have to prepare according to the new date and re-download the admit card before the exam.

Guidelines to reach the center on the day of oral examination

On the day of the oral examination, it is very important for the candidates to reach the center on time. Before reaching the center, the candidates will know the route and transport well. Prior preparations should avoid delays due to traffic congestion or any other reason to arrive on time. After reaching the center, keep some time before the test to prepare yourself mentally.

44th BCS Oral Examination

The experience and review of the candidates with the 44th BCS oral examination is very important. Future examinees can benefit if they share their experiences. How to achieve success in oral exams, how to answer questions, the opinions of previous examinees can be very helpful. Therefore, if the experience of oral examination can shared and review published, it will be a great initiative.

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