e-public Result

DAE Result 2024 – Department of Agricultural Extension Personal Assistant Result Published

The Department of Agricultural Extension has recently released the dae results of the examination for the post of Personal Assistant. With the publication of these results, many waits have ended. Candidates were eagerly waiting for this result. Candidates interested in knowing the result publication date and relevant information should check the official website of the Department of Agricultural Extension for the test results. This news is very important কৃষি সম্প্রসারণ অধিদপ্তরের চাকরির পরীক্ষার ফলাফল প্রকাশ dae exam result 2024.

DAE Exam Result

Candidates have to go to the website of the Department of Agricultural Extension to see the results of the examination for the post of Personal Assistant. To view the result, first enter the website and find out the notification regarding the result. The results can be downloaded and saved for the future.

DAE Merit List and List of Selected Candidates

The authorities have published the merit list and they have mentioned the names and roll numbers of the selected candidates. Candidates can check this merit list to see if they have been selected or not. The list includes the names, roll numbers, and merit order of the candidates, which will be very beneficial for them. It also mentions the marks obtained by the candidates.

DAE  Result Oral Exam and Final Selection

The next step in the written examination is the oral examination. The skills and qualifications of the candidates will be verified for the final selection through oral examination. The final result will published after the oral examination and the selected candidates will called for recruitment.

কৃষি সম্প্রসারণ অধিদপ্তরের চাকরির পরীক্ষার ফলাফল প্রকাশ

পদের নাম: ব্যক্তিগত সহকারী-

ফলাফল দেখুন নিচে:

DAE exam Result 2024

DAE Result

Next steps and preparation

Candidates selected in the oral examination have to prepare for the next step. This includes preparing the necessary documents, gathering the necessary information for the interview, and building various general knowledge and professional skills. Candidates should have knowledge about current agricultural extension activities and future plans.

Common questions about results

There may be many common questions among the candidates after the publication of the results. For example, if there is any objection to the result, the selected candidates should submit the necessary documents. You can find answers to common queries like these on the official website of the Department of Agricultural Extension or by contacting the concerned department.

Role and Responsibilities of Department of Agricultural Extension

The Department of Agricultural Extension plays an important role in the development of agriculture in Bangladesh. Its main responsibilities include extension of agricultural technology, providing training and assistance to farmers, and managing various agricultural projects. Through this directorate, the agricultural production of the country increases and the livelihood of the farmers is improved.

Other Job Opportunities and circular

The Department of Agricultural Extension publishes other job circulars from time to time. Candidates can apply for various posts through these circular. One should regularly visit the department’s website to receive information about future job opportunities. In this way, candidates can increase their career opportunities and contribute to the agricultural development of the country.

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