Detailed guidelines and preparation tips about Sonali Bank Officer MCQ Exam result, center list and seat arrangement at Sonali Bank PLC will help the candidates to prepare for the exam. It is important to follow all the rules and guidelines of the exam and it is essential to prepare properly. By following the right information and guidelines, candidates can do well in the exam and can move one step closer to success. Detailed information about MCQ exam schedule, center list and seat arrangement has been provided in Sonali Bank PLC. This information is very important for the exam preparation of the candidates. Sonali Bank PLC MCQ Exam Schedule has been published. The exam schedule is as follows:
Sonali Bank Officer MCQ Exam Schedule, (Result) Steps, Seat plan and Question Paper
- Exam Date: [28 June 2024]
- Test Time: [3:00 to 5:00pm]
- Exam Duration: [2 hours]
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Officer Sonali Bank Exam Result MCQ Exam Schedule, Steps, Seat Arrangement and Question Paper
Sonali Bank PLC is one of the leading banks in Bangladesh and its officer recruitment test is the center of desire of many job seekers in the country. In this article, we will discuss in detail about the MCQ exam schedule, steps, seat arrangement and question paper for the post of Sonali Bank Officer. Detailed guidelines and preparation tips about the MCQ exam schedule, steps, seat arrangement and question papers for the post of Sonali Bank Officer will help the candidates to prepare for the exam. It is important to follow all the rules and guidelines of the exam and it is essential to prepare properly.
Sonali Bank Exam Seat Plan
Candidates need to follow the instructions below for proper seating:
- At the time of entering the examination hall, the candidates will have to sit in the specified place according to the seat number.
- Admit card and national identity card should be kept with you.
- You have to be present at the examination center 30 minutes before the start of the test.
Instructions for testing
Mobile phones, calculators or any other electronic device cannot be entered into the examination hall. It is forbidden to leave the examination hall during the examination. Candidates will have to follow the specific dress code in the examination hall.
Tips for preparation:
- Schedule: The exam schedule should be remembered well and reach the center on time.
- Admit card: It is necessary to be sure about the center and seat arrangement mentioned in the admit card.
- Mock Test: You can give mock tests for exam preparation, which will give you an idea about the exam.
Sonali Bank PLC MCQ Exam Schedule, Center List and Seat Arrangement
Sonali Bank PLC is one of the leading state-owned banks in Bangladesh. Every year the bank adopts MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) exam for recruitment to various posts. Job seekers can achieve success in their career by doing well in this exam. This success can be achieved by knowing the necessary information about proper preparation and testing. In this article, we will discuss in detail about the MCQ exam schedule, center list, and seat arrangement in Sonali Bank PLC.
Center List
The center list of the examination has been published. According to the center list, the examination centers are as follows:
Dhaka City College Center
- Address: [Dhaka City College also known as DCC, is one of the oldest private college in the country of Bangladesh. It is located at Qudrat-i-Khuda road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.]
- Contact: [02223-364115]
Chittagong College Center
- Address: [Chittagong College is a public educational institution in Chittagong, Bangladesh. কলেজ রোড, Chattogram 4203]
- Contact: [880 31-616045. Email [email protected]. EIIN 104532]
Rajshahi University Center
- Address: [Shahid Syed Nazrul Islam Administration Building University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh]
- Contact: [Tel: (+88 02) 588865011 · Fax: 02588866364]
Khulna Public College Center
- Address: [KPC Student Login. খুলনা পাবলিক কলেজ. বয়রা, খুলনা-৯০০০]
- Contact: [Tel: ০২৪৭৭৭০১৩৩৯. Khulna Public College Powered by myCampus]
seat plan of Sonali Bank Exam
Instructions for seating according to seat number:
At the time of entering the examination hall, the candidates will have to sit at the specified place according to the seat number. The seat number will be displayed in the examination center before the start of the examination. According to the seat number mentioned in the admit card, the examination hall will be sitting.
- Admit Card and National Identity Card
- Time of Attendance at the Test Center
Instructions for testing
There are some important instructions for the exam that test takers should adhere to. It is important to adhere to the following instructions:
Electronic devices are prohibited:
Mobile phones, calculators or any other electronic device cannot be entered into the examination hall. If any examinee enters the examination hall with an electronic device, it will be banned and the examinee will be expelled from the examination hall.
Leaving the examination hall is prohibited:
It is forbidden to leave the examination hall during the examination. After entering the examination hall, the examinees will not be able to leave the examination hall until the end of the examination.
Dress Code:
Candidates will have to follow the specific dress code in the examination hall. The examination hall must wear decent clothing that is consistent with the examination environment.
Confirming the admit card and center list:
It is necessary to be sure about the center and seat arrangement mentioned in the admit card. It is important to check the exam admit card thoroughly and confirm the specific exam center and seat arrangement.
Taking Mock Tests:
Mock tests can be given for exam preparation, which will give an idea about the exam environment. Through mock tests, candidates can identify their weaknesses and overcome them.
MCQ Exam Schedule
Sonali Bank Officer MCQ Exam Schedule has been published. Details about the exam schedule and date are as follows:
- Exam Date: [28 June 2024]
- Exam Time: [30:00pm to 5:00pm]
- Exam Duration: [2 hours]
Candidates should visit the official website of Sonali Bank regularly to know the correct information about the exam date and time. Also, be sure about the schedule mentioned in the exam admit card.
Sonali Bank Job Exam Steps
Candidates first have to participate in the primary MCQ exam. This test is usually of 100 marks and the questions come from general knowledge, English, mathematics and general science.
Written Test:
Candidates who pass the preliminary examination have to participate in the written examination. This test consists of detailed questions on various topics and answers have to be written.
Oral Examination (Viva):
Candidates who pass the written test participate in the oral examination. In this step, the personal skills and qualifications of the candidates are assessed.
Medical examination:
Candidates who pass the oral examination are medically examined. In this step, the physical fitness of the candidates is ensured.
MCQ sonali Bank Question Paper
Some important information about Sonali Bank MCQ exam question paper is as follows:
Format of Question Paper:
- The question paper is usually of 100 marks.
- There is 1 mark for each question.
- There may also be a negative marking system, so be careful while answering questions.
Subject-based questions:
- General Knowledge: General knowledge questions about Bangladesh and international affairs.
- English: English grammar, vocabulary, syntax and paragraph based questions.
- Mathematics: elementary mathematics, algebra, geometry, and statistics.
- General Science: Questions on Science and Technology, Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
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